

Serijske publikacije



Vrednotenje dokumentarnega gradiva krajevnih skupnosti

Avtor(ji):Jurij Rosa
Soavtor(ji):Vladimir Žumer (odg. ur.), Vladimir Kološa (gl. ur.)
Založnik(i):Arhivsko društvo Slovenije, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Jurij Rosa je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)

The report at first gives short survey of development of local neighbourhoodcommunities and their predecessors, the main fields of interestand the way of their being active. In the main part of the report theauthor deals with the problematisc of valorisation of local neighbourhoodcommunities, from which the records are supposed to be takenover, gives suggestions for some criteria of their valorisation, pointsout to the state of documentary material on the terrain and informsof the problematisc concerning the valorisation of documentary materialof local neighbouring communities, suggesting the kinds of the recordsthe Archives could take over from them.

Metapodatki (12)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/11092
    • naslov
      • Vrednotenje dokumentarnega gradiva krajevnih skupnosti
      • Documentary Material Valorisation of Local Neighbourhood Communities
    • avtor
      • Jurij Rosa
    • soavtor
      • Vladimir Žumer (odg. ur.)
      • Vladimir Kološa (gl. ur.)
    • predmet
      • krajevne skupnosti
      • valorizacija
      • arhivsko gradivo
      • local neighbourhood communities
      • documentary material
      • valorisation
    • opis
      • V prispevku je najprej predstavljen kratek pregled razvoja krajevnihskupnosti in njihovih predhodnikov, poglavitna področja in načini njihovegadelovanja. V glavnem delu prispevka se avtor ukvarja s problematikovalorizacije krajevnih skupnosti, od katerih naj bi prevzemali arhivskogradivo, nakazuje nekatere kriterije za njihovo valorizacijo, opozarjana stanje gradiva na terenu ter predstavlja problematiko pri valorizacijigradiva skupnosti s predlogom, katere zvrsti arhivskega gradivanaj bi arhivi od njih prevzemali.
      • The report at first gives short survey of development of local neighbourhoodcommunities and their predecessors, the main fields of interestand the way of their being active. In the main part of the report theauthor deals with the problematisc of valorisation of local neighbourhoodcommunities, from which the records are supposed to be takenover, gives suggestions for some criteria of their valorisation, pointsout to the state of documentary material on the terrain and informsof the problematisc concerning the valorisation of documentary materialof local neighbouring communities, suggesting the kinds of the recordsthe Archives could take over from them.
    • založnik
      • Arhivsko društvo Slovenije
    • datum
      • 1987
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • jeDelOd
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd